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Have you ever said or done something that was driven by ulterior motives or ignorance? Jesus surrounded himself with people who made these choices, imperfect like us. He patiently endures and expects our shortcomings. And like a shepherd, He gently corrects in a way that directs the focus of the problem from the behavior to the heart.

The chief priests, the scribes, and the elders came to ask questions of Jesus. This would have been part of their responsibilities as religious leaders. They wanted to make sure the truth was taught; however, Mark 11:18 tells us they already had their minds made up. They were working their own purposes rather than serving the mission of God.

When Jesus entered the temple and began driving out the money changers, He was not alone in His anger on the historic occasion. Filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus spoke from the prophets, “Is it not written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations? But you have made it a den of robbers.” These words were not lost on the chief priests and the scribes.

Knowing He was hated by the most powerful men in Jerusalem, Jesus could have chosen to slip into the city quietly for the Passover Feast. Not only did He choose a public arrival, but Jesus entered in the midst of a joyous celebration. He embraced the suffering ahead of him...